By Rosemary Burns
June 21, 2024
Probably like many of you, I am part of many professional groups on Facebook. As I have written previously, Facebook is one of the only Social Media platforms I use. There is one group I am part of that is all about EMDR. Providers of all levels of experience, consultants, consultants-in-training, and trainers make up this group. At times, providers will ask about a case, looking for recommendations. After all, a FB group can reach people world wide-what a great resource! However, at times, I think it can be very overwhelming. Let me give you a generic example: a provider is working with their client and feels stuck in some way. They then ask about it on the FB group and sometimes are inundated with responses like: "You should use IFS and EMDR with this client" or "Sounds like there is a protective part that you need to work with", and many more recommendations for applying some kind of specialty. Now, I am not here to say that those specialties should be ignored. Far from it-they are important. But not in what seems like every case presented and not for clinicians who may be new to EMDR and maybe cannot obtain those trainings yet. Sometimes you need to get back to the basics. Sometimes, the therapist just needs to stay out of the way, trusting the brain to do what it needs. If the Standard Protocol is not working, if the client truly is stuck-reach out for consultation with an EMDRIA approved Consultant or Consultant in Training. Why? Because actual consultation can get more in depth and specific to what you have questions about, than on a FB group. And if a situation truly requires a specialty training, the consultant can recommend it. I will never forget a consultee I worked with in the past. She had started out with a different consultant and told me that this consultant told her that she would need to get trainings in IFS, Dissociation, Somatic Experiencing, etc. This newly trained EMDR provider felt overwhelmed and told me there is no way she could afford to get all of those trainings!. I told her, at the place she was in her EMDR journey, she did not need all of those trainings-stick to building and honing your basic EMDR skills-those trainings can come gradually in the future! She felt so relieved. Get your basics down and get consultation. Rosemary Burns at Meridiem Psychological Services is an EMDRIA approved consultant. If you are interested in consultation, reach out. If you are interested in EMDR Basic Trainings or EMDR Advanced Trainings, go to our professional education section of our website.